Friday, April 1, 2016

00iami00: Online Birthplace of Alterism


Dirty Corner, 2011
Performance Art as Chasealias
Wilton, CT USA

Online Birthplace of Alter Art (Alterism)

A great starting point for anyone interested Following, Watching, Understanding and being part of one of Humanities truly rarest occurrences.   A Unique and Rare Culture Mise en Scene, a new movement in Fine Art,. Idea and Culture.  Conceived, Developed and Executed with extreme disciple and intent upon creating social change and possibly even moving a species toward evolved enlightenment.  

Chasealias Ds Pollack

Wanna Be a Part of CAN ltd, a Nonprofit Arts Org for Net Art
Get in Touch

a Collection on Google Plus
if you are an alter artist contact us for cotribution info

#00iami00, #AlterArt, #alterism, #AuotonomicTour, #Conceptual, #chasealias, #contemporary, #ContemporaryArt #Agora, #Dada, #DSPollack, #emergence, #fineart, #Fluxus, #ideas, #Identity, #NetArt, #PerformanceArt, #photography, #singularity,

Online Ads to Protest Censorship

Anything is Art on

Ai Weiwei, Snowden, Pussy Riot take place of online ads to protest censorship

Messages from Edward SnowdenAi Weiwei and Pussy Riot will be broadcast across the internet by AdBlock and Amnesty International on the World Day against Cyber Censorship, 12 March 2016.
Throughout the day, AdBlock’s 40 million users will be asked if they want to see messages from Amnesty International where ads would usually appear. The messages will click through to content from people who governments have tried to silence.
“Even if you’re not doing anything wrong, you’re being watched and recorded,” said Edward Snowden in one of the messages.
“Without freedom of speech there is no modern world, just a barbaric one,” said Ai Weiwei in his message.
“Authorities don’t just use handcuffs and arrests, but also media attacks,” said Pussy Riot.
Chasealias, ConceptualArt, DsPollack, GifAnimation, Itbeism, NetArt, PerformanceArt, Zeitgit, Snowden, Pussy Riot, Ai Weiwei, aiww, amnestyinternational